172 – Virtue Ethics

Kerry discusses virtue ethics with us, and how one is to live.

After Virtue, by Alasdair MacIntyre

Pareto efficiency at Wikipedia, slightly less dense Pareto Improvement at Investopedia

Our 23rd episode – Desirism with Alonzo Fyfe

The 12 Virtues of Rationality

I See Dead Kids

0:00:00 Intro/Main Topic
1:42:34 LW posts
2:05:53 Thank the Patron!

Hey look, we have a discord! What could possibly go wrong?

Also merch!

Rationality: From AI to Zombies, The Podcast, and the other podcast

LessWrong posts Discussed in this Episode:

But There’s Still A Chance, Right?

The Fallacy of Gray

Next Episode’s Sequence Posts:

Absolute Authority

Infinite Certainty

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171 – All About AGP

Tailcalled gives us the down low on a variation of the popularly discussed (if not that widely liked) transgender typology – autogynephilia (or AGP). Unfortunately, due to technical difficulties, Jace was only on for part of the episode and our software didn’t appreciate the confusion and dropped his audio entirely.

Tailcalled’s blog:  https://surveyanon.wordpress.com/

Some specific links from Tailcalled:

Some of my better or more important or more relevant posts that you might want to link: Autogynephilia is not a natural abstraction
(My attempt to explain the thing I said at the end about why we will never get a better understanding of AGP)

A dataset of common AGP/AAP fantasies
(To get an idea of what AGP can be like, with the caveat that most people in the AGP debates focus on different and rarer forms of AGP)

Using instrumental variables to test the direction of causality between autogynephilia and gender dissatisfaction
(Some of the advanced causal inference stuff I’ve experimented with to study AGP; to an extent I now think my idea was flawed – I have other blog posts talking about the flaws – but it might be nice to include as an illustration)

The mathematical consequences of a toy model of gender transition
(I sort of explained that model in the interview but it might not have been very clear, so making it formal helps)

Meta-attraction cannot account for all autogynephiles’ interest in men
(The post that really marked the start of my dissatisfaction with Blanchardians)

0:00:00 Intro/Main Topic
1:26:00 LW posts
1:43:41 Thank the Patron!

Hey look, we have a discord! What could possibly go wrong?

Also merch!

Rationality: From AI to Zombies, The Podcast, and the other podcast

LessWrong posts Discussed in this Episode:

Rational vs. Scientific Ev-Psych

A Failed Just-So Story

Next Episode’s Sequence Posts:

But There’s Still A Chance, Right?

The Fallacy of Gray

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170 – By George, The Rent Is Too Damn High!

Eneasz drops a primer on Georgist Land Value Taxes. All increases in productivity will be capture by rising rents for as long as mankind exists, unless we find a way to prevent landlords from capturing all the benefits of rising land value. Henry George found the way to do this.

Source post: Book Review: Progress & Poverty

Follow-ups that we barely touched on, but include a lot more:
Part I – Is Land Really a Big Deal?
Part II – Can Land Value Tax be Passed on to Tenants?
Part III – Can Unimproved Land Value be Accurately Assessed Separately from Buildings?

Also in this episode:

Eliezer supports Dignity Points, a scoring system for humanity.

Afghan soldiers were shocked to learn about taxes in the U.S.

0:00:40 Feedback
0:06:15 Main Topic
1:33:48 LW posts
1:57:34 Thank the Patron

Hey look, we have a discord! What could possibly go wrong?

Also merch!

Rationality: From AI to Zombies, The Podcast, and the other podcast

LessWrong posts Discussed in this Episode:

The American System and Misleading Labels

Stop Voting For Nincompoops

Next Episode’s Sequence Posts:

Rational vs. Scientific Ev-Psych

A Failed Just-So Story

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169 – S&E BS re AGI

Steven and Eneasz discuss the latest timeline shifts regarding the advent of superhuman general intelligence. Then in the LW posts we got greatly sidetracked by politics (stupid mind-killer!).


Two-year update on my personal AI timelines on LessWrong

Robert Wiblin on kissing your kids

Lex Fridman podcast

Jack Clark (AI policy guy) on AI policy

Scott Alexander on slowing AI progress

Guide to working in AI policy and strategy

0:00:42 Feedback
0:08:20 Main Topic
1:13:29 LW posts
2:11:40 Thank the Patron

Hey look, we have a discord! What could possibly go wrong?

Also merch!

Rationality: From AI to Zombies, The Podcast, and the other podcast

LessWrong posts Discussed in this Episode:

My Strange Beliefs

Posting on Politics

The Two-Party Swindle

Next Episode’s Sequence Posts:

The American System and Misleading Labels

Stop Voting For Nincompoops

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168 – Unions Are Governments

We speak with Levi/Ferb, learning about labor law in the USA. Turns out it’s not what we thought.


What would a general strike look like today?
Biden intervenes in railroad contract to block strike
Truckers strike at Port of Oakland
Taft–Hartley Act
A People’s History of the United States
Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog
United Mine Workers of America to pay more than $13 million in compensation to an Alabama coal company
African American Workers Historic Struggle Against Segregation

Labor News:

Who Gets the Bird?
PayDay Report
Working People Podcast

“You are GPT-3,” a long-form prompt directly instructing GPT-3 on desired usage of a scratchpad to suppress hallucinatory answers

0:00:01 Main Topic
2:08:40 Feedback
2:14:46 LW posts
2:40:03 Thank the Patron

Hey look, we have a discord! What could possibly go wrong?

Also merch!

Rationality: From AI to Zombies, The Podcast, and the other podcast

LessWrong posts Discussed in this Episode:

To Lead, You Must Stand Up

Cultish Countercultishness

Next Episode’s Sequence Posts:

My Strange Beliefs

Posting on Politics

The Two-Party Swindle

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167 – Jugaad Ethics

A Jugaad is like a hack that combines a new thing that doesn’t work anymore with an old thing that sorta worked, as a temporary solution. Now do it for Ethics.

(note: due to technical issue, the last 3 minutes of the main topic audio quality is crappy. sorry.)

The Primary Article – Jugaad Ethics

Also mentioned:

Random article about jugaad Eneasz found

Who Should Pay On A Date?

Pregnancy is Body Horror

Red Plenty

TradFam as Startup

YouTube vids to get started on doing sex better

Liberal Elite minority rule

Feedback – Friendship is Optimal text, and FiO Audio on YouTube
Utopia, LOL?
What Lies Dreaming free online

0:02:33 Feedback
0:06:05 Main Topic – Jugaad Ethics
1:25:22 LW posts
1:40:56 Thank the Patron

Hey look, we have a discord! What could possibly go wrong?

Also merch!

Rationality: From AI to Zombies, The Podcast, and the other podcast

LessWrong posts Discussed in this Episode:

On Expressing Your Concerns

Lonely Dissent

Next Episode’s Sequence Posts:

To Lead, You Must Stand Up

Cultish Countercultishness

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